PocketConnie is a web based educational application that provides conferring tools to teachers and their students.
We designed and launched PocketConnie's web based software designed to be intuitive and accessible for teachers to use realtime in the classroom. It provides an assessment questionnaire that generates a report of the student's strengths and growth areas, and links to Conference Library content.
Designed for teachers
The application interface was designed for easy use on desktop and tablet devices. A dedicated left navigation with icons provides the user with direct access to the important features of the site. We incorporated handwritten fonts to keep it fun and friendly.
Reader Reports and trajectory
The assessment questionnaire developed by the PocketConnie creators generates a Reader Report with suggested conferences and resources. The site administrators can customize each question's response by selecting whether it is a "strength" or "growth area" for the student and link to articles in the Conference Library. Teachers can build a customized trajectory of these links and other notes for future use.
Access restricted content
The assessment questionnaire and Conference Library are restricted content utilizing Drupal user roles. Users can self register accounts on a sign up form which are later approved by the administrators.
Student imports
Teachers can add students and assign them to groups through the site forms or bulk import student data from CSVs uploads.